Welcome to Kerry ETB Adult Literacy and Basic Education website!

This website was developed at the request of adult literacy tutors in Kerry. Over the past number of years you have told us about some changes you would like to see. You told us that you would like to have resources available in one place. You told us that you would like to be able to share materials with each other and to learn from the practice of others. You also told us that, given the nature of our work in Adult Literacy and the geographical spread of the county, it is difficult it is get together to share.

We hope that the existence of this website will address these issues for you.

This is a place for you to post resources that you are proud of and that have worked well for you. It is a place to search for new ideas and learn from others’ approaches. It is a place to revise and revisit what you learned on Initial Tutor Training. It is a place to help you prepare and continue you excellent teaching and learning practice.

We hope that this website will give you an insight into how others have developed materials or how they came up with clever and creative ways to meet learners’ needs. Try to view materials and resources as a starting point, not an end point in your practice. By this I mean don’t be afraid to take ideas and adapt them or amalgamate them to meet the specific needs of your learners.

You are invited to browse this website and also to submit. When you have material that you would like to share you can ‘post’ it online. It will go to the website committee who have editorial control of the content. In this way you are assured that the materials are of the highest quality standards. You will be credited for your work.

In many ways this website is a physical (or even virtual!!) manifestation of the way you currently work and have worked over the past number of years. I have always been so impressed by the generosity you have shown in sharing resources at a centre level. This generosity not only makes it a good place to work but it makes it a good place to learn for our learners and all of us involved in Adult Literacy and Basic Education.

I am very much looking forward to seeing this website come to life with your contributions.

Aoife McCormack

County Adult Literacy Organiser